Sometimes designers cannot predict if their design will be used in the proper manner or if it will be dangerous for certain people. When the fireplace was designed inside a home many people thought it was a brilliant idea and didn’t think that it would end up burning down houses and killing people. Design can be brilliant and do exactly what it was made to do and at the same time be a danger or hazard for people. Sometimes this causes the design to be taken off the market or redesigned to be safer. The fireplace has been around for decades but as time progressed the design has changed from a open area with a chimney that takes the smoke out of the house to an enclosed area that is sealed to keep the sparks from escaping to a fireplace that is “fake” and where the heat is actually gas like a heater and not really a fire because it is safer. The fireplace is a great example of how a design can morph and change from something dangerous to something safer for the public.